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Turpis in eu mi bibendum neque egestas congue quisque. Eu non diam phasellus vestibulum lorem.Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, suntin culpa qui officia deserunt mollit animid est laborum.


Turpis in eu mi bibendum neque egestas congue quisque. Eu non diam phasellus vestibulum lorem.Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, suntin culpa qui officia deserunt mollit animid est laborum.

Digital Threat Assessment® (DTA) is the missing link for our Safety and Threat Assessment teams.

Through the International Center for Digital Threat Assessment®, law enforcement, school administrators and community partners can access a range of DTA®-related training to complement various behavioral threat assessment models.

Whether you have been trained in SIGMA, Salem-Keiser, CSTAG or any other behavioral threat assessment framework, our DTA® training fills an important void for Safety and Threat Assessment teams as they learn how to access real-time digital content from social media and other lesser-known parts of the internet.

Trainings Delivered | 2023
Case Consultation Hours | 2023
Schools Worked With Across North America
The International Center for Digital Threat Assessment® (ICDTA) is a partner of Safer Schools Together and was established to give Safety and Threat Assessment teams the tools and training needed to prevent tragedy and intervene at the first sign of worrisome behavior.

Digital Threat Assessment® (DTA) training was designed to help your teams determine the validity of a threat and calculate an accurate level of risk.

The goal of this training is to give participants a stronger understanding of the current digital landscape, provide tools to proactively identify community safety concerns, and implement strategies to address online situations as they arise.

DTA® training will teach you to gather digital data, inform your next steps and put immediate risk-reducing interventions in place.

With DTA® training, your Safety and Threat Assessment teams will have the necessary tools to identify Worrisome Online Behavior™, and implement intervention strategies to improve the climate, and culture of your community.

ICDTA® Modules
With over 100 years of collective experience, Safer Schools Together (SST) has a proven track record of helping schools throughout North America in identifying individuals on the pathway to violence, gang involvement, criminal radicalization, suicide, incidents of racism and targeted hate, as well as threats targeting students, staff, and school communities.

Using best practices from the field of School Safety and Threat Assessment, SST will assist your teams in the early identification and intervention of individuals on the pathway to violence. SST offers professional training for law enforcement agencies, school districts, and community partners.

With comprehensive prevention and intervention strategies, SST provides School Safety and Threat Assessment teams with the tools they need to build capacity and sustainability. SST's ongoing support services include Worrisome Online Behavior™ (WOB) Reports, Case Consultation, and PSSTWorld–an anonymous online reporting tool for students.

Each service offered by SST is designed to ensure students, staff, schools, and communities are provided with safe, caring, and inclusive learning environment both online and offline.

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Using Today for a Safer Tomorrow

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