Restorative Response to Racism Through an Educational Lens

Duration: 1 hour

Our school communities are not immune to racism or the difficulties students face in dealing with the issue outside of the classroom.


The Restorative Response to Racism Through an Educational Lens session provides expert insight from trainers who have worked in the field of restorative practice in communities affected by racism and hate. While unpacking the positives of discussing racism in our communities, strategies are provided for students to confront racism within their own peer groups. This session will provide take-away activities designed to bring students together and give educators a chance to check in with their class.


This training will include:

  • How to promote “anti-racism” within school communities
  • The three levels of racism and context/history of what people of color have endured
  • What to do when encountering online social media groups related to racism
  • The importance of not allowing racist language and jokes to become “normal”
  • Why students should stand up, speak up, and protect each other

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