Train the Trainer: Digital Threat Assessment®

Duration: 8 hours


  • Digital Threat Assessment® (DTA) and Advanced DTA® 
  • Participants must be at an above-average technical competence


Train the Trainer builds capacity in school communities to address online challenges and trends. After completing Train the Trainer, participants are equipped with the knowledge and resources to deliver Digital Threat Assessment® (DTA) educational sessions to their own district staff and teams. Participants will receive a one-year SST certification to conduct DTA® sessions. After completing Train the Trainer, participants are provided DTA® training resources to facilitate their own in-house educational sessions.

This training will include:

  • Demonstrate a solid understanding of the vision for DTA® within the Threat Assessment landscape
  • Demonstrate how to capture and document social media evidence and online data
  • Demonstrate and assess participant’s abilities to complete online image verification
  • Showcase the embodiment of foundational and functional perspectives critical to Digital and Behavioral Threat Assessment
  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of the most popular social media platforms among youth and how to search these platforms to uncover data relevant to School Safety / Threat Assessment (SS/TA) Teams
  • Conceptualize and activate sound andragogical teaching and learning practices
  • Reflect on and expose technical consistencies across social media platforms – essential understandings for utilizing new platforms and their applications to SS/TA
  • Cultivate real-life case scenarios to facilitate participant learning

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